Thursday, January 14, 2021

End of the Republic?


   At this writing, Donald Trump still possesses the power we loaned him to protect our constitutional republic against all enemies foreign or domestic.  (In this case, both combined.)  If he fails to use it in the next few days, the United States of America ceases to exist, to be replaced by Marxist criminals who will blasphemously keep the name while dividing up the remains of the once-great nation.

   "Hyperbole", you say?  "We've survived sketchy elections and bad presidents before.  We'll get through Biden too."

   No.  We won't.  There are fundamental differences this time.

   The charter of the American republic (that little document we celebrate every 4th of July) gives only one justification for the existence of government: To preserve the rights of the people.  It gives only one source of just authority for government: The consent of the governed.

   [I'll be referring to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as a gestalt entity "KamelJoe" since the creepy old man is obviously a facade intended to be replaced by the VP in short-order.]

   KamelJoe is Marxist.  Openly dedicated to obliterating the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  They campaigned with a promise to LOCK DOWN innocent Americans, which will destroy countless independent small businesses, cause misery, and destroy lives.  After which they promise to tax Americans into poverty to throw a few table scraps to "businesses" based on minority ownership.  (THAT is racism!)

   Now you might point-out that Obama was also a Marxist. (And not the first.)  But, bad as he was, the people pulling his strings and putting the words on his teleprompter were still watering-down and spoon-feeding us their agenda.  Pretending to have a modicum of appreciation for traditional Americans and free enterprise.  He only went full-commie when he briefly slipped off-leash now and then.  But he emboldened Marxists to drop the veil going forward.

   The "consent of the governed" is manifested in a lawful election process.  Yes, we've had questionable elections.  Again we look at Obama, whose election was unlawful due to his not being constitutionally eligible.  But that was essentially a technicality.  Most people haven't got a clue that "Natural Born Citizen" and "Citizen By Birth" aren't the same thing...  And the case that Obama was neither, while compelling, was based mostly on circumstantial evidence and informal testimony.  The counter-case that he was born in Hawaii, while probably false, was not inherently unbelievable.  People get born in Hawaii all the time.

   Ultimately, Obama had the "Liberal" vote, the minority vote, the pissed-off at Bush's recession vote, the misguided White Guilt vote... And the GOP let him run unopposed. Twice.  There's very little doubt that he won the elections.

   To find a case for a stolen Presidential election, you have to go all the way back to 1960.  And that was a matter of an extremely close race that might have been thrown to the Democrat by shenanigans in key districts.  Subtle and deniable.

   What we have with KamelJoe (in addition to the fact that Harris, like Obama, is ineligible) is a blatantly fraudulent election.  Biden couldn't get within groping distance of the DNC nomination in his prime, far-less as a shambling, senile old mummy.  Harris crashed and burned in her feeble attempt at a primary run.  They spent the whole campaign season hiding behind masks, in basements... Occasionally coming out to speak to pathetic gatherings of dozens while Trump was overflowing stadiums wherever he went, and his supporters were filling highways with hundred mile-long convoys and marinas full of boat rallies in his support where Marxist governors prevented the stadium events.

   Rigged Dominion voting machines.  Massive, statistically impossible vote-spikes. Counting illegally shutting-down, but apparently not really shutting down.  Poll watchers denied access.  Etc.  And every legal safeguard subverted.

   Election 2020 wasn't a technicality or a little ballot stuffing in key districts.  It was Trump winning by a landslide and the Democrats cheating so obviously it could be seen from Mars, while the Deep State RINOs, MSM, and Big Tech ran cover.  Everyone sees the cheat, whether they want to admit it or not.

   And there's why the installation of KamelJoe as head of state spells the end of the American republic.  It would utterly shred our charter to have rulers with an agenda diametrically opposed to the stated purpose of our government ascending to power without any valid claim to the consent of the governed.

   With Obama, we could hope to ride his term out and elect a decent President next time.  With KamelJoe, we'll know that there is no next time.  Elections won't matter anymore.  We'll just be Soviet Union 2.0 until everything crumbles completely.


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