Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Let the Rebellion Begin.


   So the American republic has fallen, and Marxist criminals are wearing its bloody pelt in a macabre circus clown show pretending to be a government.  They've discarded all subtlety and are openly trying to destroy every vestige of traditional America and Western Civilization.  There's no reasoning or negotiating with them.  Anyone spewing nonsense about TRUMP 2024, Patriot Party, or other political countermeasures are either clinical dullards or actively working for the Enemy2020 proved once and for all that elections are pointless.  There is no Next Time.

   The US Military had a sworn duty to prevent this.  But the top brass are apparently in the thrall of the Global Marxists, just like the other politicians.  So that just leaves the original American militia.  Self-armed, disorganized, and thus highly unpredictable.  Much is made of the uncountable millions of firearms in the hands of an unknown legion of gun owners across America.  But keep in mind that this isn't some Third World backwater populated by Luddites.  When shit gets real, we can do WAY better than just chunking little pieces of lead at the tyrants, or cobbling together the odd IED.

   As I said last time, the open Internet isn't really the place to discuss refreshing the Tree of Liberty in the manner prescribed by Thomas Jefferson. 

   We might also want to keep in mind that a full-on civil war likely plays into the hands of the Global Marxists, no matter which side comes out on top.  That's probably why they seem hellbent to provoke one.  A fragmented America in smoldering ruins serves their purposes well.

   One thing we have in our favor is that the people who have stolen the machinery of American government are utterly incapable of operating it.  Kind of like kindergartners taking over their school bus.  They'll inevitably crash into a ditch or worse.

   We have to cope with the collapse of the criminal 'Government'.  Try not to get caught in the death throes of the cumbersome monster while doing what we can to hasten its demise.

   First thing we have to get through our heads is that THERE IS NO VALID LAW ANYMOREMAGA folks have been bragging about how they are peaceful and law-abiding while BLM and ANTIFA hunted whites for sport, burned cities, looted, and vandalized with glee.  Last ones playing by the rules gets curb-stomped in a street fight, and kinda' deserves it!

   Understand that the bulk of enforcement is LATERAL.  It's usually fairly easy to get around cops and Little Tin Gods. It is the people in the neighborhood who think it's their 'civic duty' to report violations to the (now illegitimate) authorities that get you busted.  Or the ones with a personal beef who use the cowardly tactic of ratting you out.  The former need to be convinced that they have no duty to a lawless faux-government.  The latter reintroduced to the tradition of Snitches Getting Stitches.  Both need to be excluded from participation in your beneficial activities until they become trustworthy.

   Make the Marxist state expend every bit of resources to ENFORCE their edicts.  Give them zero cooperationEVEN IF YOU HAPPEN TO AGREE WITH A PARTICULAR POLICY! 

   Avoid every bit of taxation you can on every level.  Starve the Government of income.  Work under the table.  Trade in kind, barter, and use other non-Federal Reserve mediums of exchange.  Grow / make your own.  Operate without official registration, permits, inspections, license, etc.  Support others doing so. 

   Take advantage of every payout you can milk from the 'Government'.  Just do not allow yourself to become dependent on this income. (Dump it into ammo stockpiles or something.)  Forget about your pride!  It's not about accepting handouts.  It's about draining the Marxist state of resources they would otherwise use to harm Americans!  Identify as a Black Hispanic Transsexual Pagan Refugee from Ork if that'll get you a bigger payment from Uncle Sucker.  We've been getting taxed half to death to support everyone else on Earth for generations.  Don't feel an iota of remorse for trying to get as much back as you can now before the system implodes!

   Create disinformation and confusion wherever you can.  Multiple identities.  Sock puppet accounts.  Some with stats and views that diverge far from your own.  Think of it as a data smokescreen.  Don't make it easy for the Enemy to know for sure where, who, what, or how many you are.

   This is a form of asymmetric warfare.  It's less about winning 'battles' than making the Enemy's 'victories' cripplingly expensive.  There are countless ways to do that.  Get creative people.


Tuesday, February 16, 2021

OpSec in Post-Republic America.

   Okay.  Trump and his supposed White Hats have failed/betrayed us.  All this talk of TRUMP 2024 and / or a new political party is irrational since elections clearly do not matter anymore.  There is no political solution.  And the courts had their chance and refused to take it...

   So, having been robbed of the soap box, ballot box and the jury box, many Americans are beginning to call for the cartridge box.  After all, the primary point of the Second Amendment is to secure American liberty against tyranny.  Cuckservatives who were horrified by the "violence" of a minor folderol at the Capitol on January 6th might curl up into the fetal position and start sobbing at the notion of doing what the original American patriots did to found the nation, but there are a whole lot of enraged folks who aren't so lily-livered.

This was written over 20 years ago.
We may be outgrowing that stage.

   I'm not going to tell you to "hold the line" or "trust the PLAN", since the plan was evidently to keep us all pacified while the Marxists assassinated the republic.  There's hardly any point to having the right to keep and bear arms if you aren't willing to shoot some motherfuckers who need it desperately.  But don't be idiots.

   There are some contingency plans that should not be discussed on non-secure channels!  There is no real anonymity on the Internet.  Don't use it for any communications that will get you targeted by the 'Government'.  Seriously.  You'd do well to imagine the director of the FBI is looking over your shoulder as you type that BitChute or Gab comment.  (Hey, Chris. Hope Helen and the kids are well!)

   Also keep in-mind that, if you hold a militia meeting with more than three people, it's likely that at least one of them is reporting to GovCo.  Even if you've known the guys for years.  Remember that the whole Ruby Ridge tragedy started with the Feds trying to bully a local rube into being a spy for them.  Damned-near all 'terrorist' groups in America wind-up including (usually being run by) alphabet-soup agents provocateur.

   If you feel the need to do anything drastic, the smaller your circle of operators is, the better.  And a lone SOB who doesn't rat himself out playing games with the media or 'authorities' is damned hard to thwart.


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Bright Side of Post-Republic America.


   So, the BadOrangeMan gave us a few years' look at what the nation could be like if run by a reasonably competent executive who at least pretended to want America to succeed.  Pretty cool, wasn't it?  But there was one worrisome aspect to the MAGA heyday...

  We founded the TEOTWAWKI Doomstead back in the last century.  We thought it was a comfortable distance from the nearest Southern metropolis.  But the housing boom continued and our Podunk, rural county started being targeted by real estate developers who looked-out over the cow pastures and cornfields and envisioned oceans of ticky-tacky McMansions.  And, of course, or local Tin God politicians and bureaucrats imagined all those new residents paying taxes, not to mention the kickbacks from the aforementioned developers...

   So everything started getting paved.  The Sheriff's department went from Andy and Barney to a veritable standing army.  They started putting in municipal water.  Curbside garbage pickup.  All kinds of nonsense hillbillies have no use for.  Of course, the hicks wouldn't be around much longer.  Rising property value evaluations would soon drive their taxes up and them out!

   Thank goodness for the big economic crash in the Dubya/Obama terms!   Can't easily get rid of the pavement. But the water pipe they laid-out got recollected before it was buried.  (Really shoulda' swiped some of that. But didn't think of it at the time.) The garbage pickup thing evaporated too.  I had been afraid that our isolated doomstead was going to be surrounded by city slickers.  But it got to stay woods and cows and corn a while longer.

   With Trump's push for American energy independence and economic growth, it looked like the menace of Urban Sprawl might be on the horizon again, even though the Democrats had managed to turn the nearest metropolis into a ghetto over the past couple decades.  But, thanks to the fall of the republic and the inevitable collapse of civilized infrastructure that must follow, the whole Exburbanite thing will be untenable. 

   Unlike some men, I don't particularly want to watch the world burn... But, if I must, I'd prefer it was from a distance.


Monday, February 1, 2021

Requiem for the Republic.


   There's been a good deal of discussion about how the organic American republic founded in 1776 was quietly replaced with a corporation in 1871 and reorganized in 1913.  All of that may be true.  But most Americans were able to believe they lived in a constitutional republic under Rule of Law until fairly recently.

   The political lynching of Richard Nixon in the '70s seemed to verify this.  Even a popular President (he won reelection by a massive landslide in '72) wasn't above the law, and could be laid-low for possibly covering-up a bit of petty political espionage.

   But the Stage IV cancer of corruption was clearly diagnosed with the Clinton impeachment at the end of the 20th Century...  Ken Starr spent four years investigating the Clintons, and must have been aware of a mountain of high crimes, misdemeanors, felonies, and freakin' capital offences committed by the diabolical power couple.  But the kickbacks, payoffs, fake investments, etc. were becoming pretty much Standard Operating Procedure for high-level government players by then, so nobody wanted to air that kind of dirty laundry.  As for the murders, child-trafficking, and even worse...  Either the players on both sides of the aisle were also into that scene, or these charges were deemed too outrageous to be pursued, even in the face of solid evidence.

   So, stepping around the aforementioned mountain of offenses, Starr presented Congress with evidence of crimes stemming from Bill Clinton's pathetic, middle-aged frat-boy antics.  Nevertheless, the charges were rock-solid.  Perjury. Obstruction of Justice.  Basically the same stuff they'd figuratively run Nixon out of town on a rail for.

   Nobody denied Clinton was guilty of the charges.  But he was the Marxist Golden Boy, so the media made light of it, the Senate weaseled around and let him off the hook.  Nevermind that an ordinary businessman charged with the same things, even if they stemmed from a sexual harassment case, would have been ruined and probably done time.  Apparently SOME people ARE above the law.  Which meant the whole concept of Equal Justice Under the Law, an underpinning of the American republic, was rotting-away.

   Then came Dubya, and 9-11, justifying an awful lot of Constitution-skirting.  Then the Marxist dash for the finish with Obama, when anyone trying to cite the rules was shouted-down as RACIST.  But it looked like we were saved when the Bombastic Orange SOB who at least claimed to want to Make America Great Again burst onto the scene...

   But, after an impressive term spent showing Americans what it would be like if the Federal executive was working in their favor rather than for foreign interests, and scoring a historic landslide reelection, Trump either showed his true colors or wussed-out in the 11th hour, handing the terrible power of Commander In-Chief we entrusted him with to a regime of Marxist criminals to be used against us.

   The 1776 charter of the USA gives only one justification for the existence of the government: To secure the rights of the people.  But the KamelJoe Regime is openly hostile to those rights.

   It cites only one source of just authority for the government: The consent of the governed.  The exact opposite of claiming power via a fraudulent election.

   So the inauguration of the KamelJoe Regime broke the charter.  Rendered it, the republic it initiated, and the Constitution that organized that republic, null and void.

   We can't even PRETEND the Constitution or Rule of Law still apply with a straight face anymore. 

   There is no longer any law.  Only what you can get away with.
   Last one playing by the rules is just a chump.
